Wellness Articles

Maurine Patten's Articles

  • Do You Want To Ask Powerful Questions?
    We all ask questions on a daily basis. Some you direct to others and some to yourself. If you want to get the best answer to your questions, you need to be sure you have asked the right questions. Some words have more power than others. A good question provides the information you need and satisfies three requirements. If change and action are what you are looking for, asking more powerful questions can alter your perception and attitude.
  • You Can Be Happier Now
    Research on happiness indicates that once your basic needs are met, money does not make you happy. An exciting discovery is that there are things you can do to increase happiness without making major life changes. Reasearch also indicates that how you choose to think about things can affect your level of happiness. Reap the benefits from an improved sense of well-being and feeling happier today by choosing to follow some of the suggestions.
  • Unlocking the Secrets of Happiness
    Do you want to increase your happiness set point and avoid the hedonic treadmill? In the past, researchers believed your level of happiness was 50-80% inherited. New research indicates that with commitment and effort, you can influence 40% of your happiness. When you are happy, there are social, mental, and physical benefits. Learn specific things that will increase your level of happiness and move your set point higher over time.
  • Do You Want To Stop Being a Workaholic?
    There is a need to have balance in your life for good physical, mental, and emotional health. Some people have a difficult time giving themselves a chance to recharege, reflect and be playful. They work long hours and weekends. Take the satisfaction with life scale; discover if you are a true workaholic. Learn what strategies you can use to lead a more balanced life, enhance your sense of well-being and increase your energy.
  • Do You Want To Sharpen Your Listening Skills?
    People have a need to be listened to. It creates connection, caring, a sense of community, and can be a catharsis for the speaker. It is an active experience which requires involvement and commitment as well as patience. The physical setting is important when using the points describing how to listen. Listening is an active process that puts care into action, helps you gain trust, and build closer relationships at home and work.
  • Do You Need Leisure Time?
    The choices you make in how you spend your leisure time can increase your level of happiness and enrich your participation in the flow of life. Having time for leisure is a basic human need. Life without leisure depletes you quickly. All leisure activities are not the same. Learn which leisure activities increase meaning and which lead to apathy. The choices you make have the potential to recharge and renew you.
  • Do You Want to Build Your Emotional Strength?
    Life is not always fair. It can be hard to know who and what to trust because we live in an imperfect world. One thing you can do is build your emotional strength. Even when you cannot control a situation or influence those who do, you can choose to manage yourself. The way you choose to cope makes the difference. It is possible to build your emotional strength and live an engaging and meaningful life by following these recommendations.
  • Increase Your Ability To Focus Today
    Distractions happen. Multitasking is needed more in our busy lives. Yet, research indicates it increases the possiblity of interruptions derailing us. Multitasking decreases productivity and efficiency. It can be detrimental to your physical and emotional health. There are basic things you can do today to sharpen your ability to focus and increase your energy. You will be amazed how sharp your focus can be.
  • The Key to Creating Meaningful Relationships
    It is important to know how to create and sustain meaningful relationships. The kind of relationships you have affects the quality of your life. Relationships require two types of energy. Psychic energy is key. This means investing attentnion in the other person's goals by taking time to listen and share activities, ideas, emotions, memories and dreams.
  • Do You Want a Beautiful Life?
    Your life is more than days and years. It is what you do with your time and how closely your choices match your values. How do you manage the surprises in life? Focusing on emotional and mental well-being, you are encouraged to become aware of your purpose for being here and to follow five suggestions for making your life beautiful.
  • Do You Want to Increase Engagement and Happiness?
    Are you tired of feeling like you are going through the motions in life? How would things be different for you if you felt passionate about your life? Engagement is being involved in activities that attract and hold your attention. It creates positive emotions that build psychological resources. In the work place, it is critical for the emplyer and employee. Discover the key to being engaged. The rewards are tremendous.
  • Do You Want More Vitality?
    Vitality has to do with our feeling of energy or aliveness. It correlates strongly with satisfaction with life, happiness, and well-being. It indicates optimal human functioning. Discover the factors that contribute to higher levels and how to increase your vitality.

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