Wellness Articles

Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S's Articles

  • Fluoride-Enzyme Poisoner for Dental Health.
    When the teeth of fluorine-treated individuals are examined chemically they are found to be composed of calcium fluoride instead of calcium carbonate. It is commonly said fluorine makes the tooth harder. This is utterly false. It actually makes the tooth softer. It doesn't decay as readily because calcium fluoride is less soluble to acids than is calcium carbonate and decay starts in an acid environment.
  • Can Root Canal Therapy Endanger Your Health?
    It seems to us that their actions regarding the controversy over mercury in fillings is a strong indication of this possibility. Dr. George Meinig has studied the work of Dr. Weston Price, a meticulous researcher. Dr. Price's work shows how germs become trapped in teeth.
  • Lost Sense of Taste and Case of Grey Teeth.
    My child's teeth have come in very dark grey. Our dentist says it is from medication. Can you enlighten me about it? Will the discoloration go away? This is usually due to the antibiotic tetrocycline. The drug causes a change in tooth and bone browth during the time it is used
  • Popping Jaws Are Miserable - The "TMJ" Syndrome.
    When bone shrinks under your dentures the plate settles down and presses into the soft gums causing sore spots such as you have been experiencing. This also infringes on facial and lip muscles and these force the teeth to wobble, loosen, and clack.
  • Cures for Cold Sores.
    Your question came in on the same day a similar one was addressed to Dr. Lamb and published in his nationally syndicated column. The headline for his article that day was �Mouth Ulcer Cure Unknown.�
  • The Causes of Sick Gums and Pyorrhea.
    Like the majority of diseases, Pyorrhea has several causes that work together to create degenerative tissue breakdown. Lack of Vitamin C is just one of the causes of sick gums. More important is your balance of minerals. There has been so much emphasis placed on vitamins in recent years that most people forget our need of minerals is often more vital.
  • The Bladder Infection and Chorea with Degenerative Diseases and Focal Infections.
    Bladder Infections: Irritations of the bladder were frequently found to be caused by dental infections. One such case involved a man of 65 who was so distressed with cystitis that for five years he had been unable to leave his home because he had to void urine every 30 to 60 minutes or his distress was unbearable. His sleep was particularly disturbed.
  • The Kidney trouble with Degenerative Diseases and Focal Infections, Dental Infections.
    Because dentists construct dentures which look and act so much like natural teeth,people have come to believe that they are just as good as their own. While dentures are among the best of all body replacement parts, they are never as good at masticating food as natural teeth in good repair.
  • The Degenerative Diseases and Focal Infections.
    Quite often Price referred to the high number of "rheumatic group lesions" which resulted from dental infections. That terminology produced some confusion as it placed extreme emphasis on rheumatism and arthritis.
  • The Gum Crevices Surrounding Every Tooth between Teeth are Loaded with Bacteria.
    Not only should these foci sources be repeatedly considered by heart disease patients and their doctors, but also by the average person, for the oral cavity environment is a daily possible source of bacteria which can threaten body organs or tissues.
  • Focal Infection Theory Disbelievers and Reality.
    Others can live in body tissues without causing any apparent local irritations while they wait for a new home site in some other organ or tissue. Still others of the invading species are able to generate toxins either outside or inside cell walls.
  • Deficient Diets Brought Degenerative Diseases Including Dental Infections.
    Nutrition - Hunger Any machine we use is dependent upon fuel to operate. Likewise,well-being is dependent on the nature,quantity, and quality of the foods people consume. However,it is increasingly clear the average person thinks that whatever is put into the body through the mouth will adequately feed the body.
  • When Infected Teeth Produce Disturbance in Other Parts of the Body.
    We are all aware that organisms which produce disease vary greatly in the amount and severity of their virulence. Because teeth are relatively small,it is also generally believed that when a tooth has a properly treated root canal filling,it is impossible for an infection therefrom to overwhelm the patient.
  • Grief and Worry with Expose can Develop more Severe Diseases.
    Grief and Worry: We all know of individuals who were so grief stricken at the death of a loved one they also died a short time later. Just a year ago,I experienced such a situation. Two wealthy,spinster neighbors were inseparable.
  • Pregnancy - Lactation and Motherhood in Weakened Immune System with Tooth Infections.
    Pregnancy -Lactation and Motherhood. Among those we considered not susceptible to illness, the percentage of men and women is quite evenly divided. As susceptibility increases,this changes from 50-50 to 93 percent of female having strong inheritance factors and only seven percent for males.
  • The Public and Dental Profession Universally Believe Dental X-Ray Pictures Almost Always Reveal The
    The public and the medical/dental profession alike universally believe dental x-ray pictures almost always reveal the presence of infections,the extent of it,and that from such pictures a proper treatment plan can be determined.
  • Periodontal gum Problem May Seem to Have Little Relevance to The Side Effects of Root Canal Therapy.
    This is of interest,as dentists seldom find teeth decaying,in periodontal pockets at the time the disease is active. The softening of the cementum and dentin which sometimes occurs in these areas is often mistaken for caries,but this a different phenomenon.
  • Why do Some People's Teeth Develop Dental Caries and Others Do Not?
    There have been numerous theories about what actually causes teeth to become decayed. Generally it is agreed that bacteria attach themselves to teeth in the plaque which forms on them from the food we eat.
  • Our Mouth - A Barometer of Health
    Our Mouth - A Barometer of Health Some time ago you wrote about the dentists' position in nutrition. I'm still a bit puzzled about your suggestions that involve other parts of the body than teeth. The things you write about seem okay but I guess I want to be more confident about it. S.S.
  • The Heart and Circulatory Systems are Most Often Attacked by Root Canal Bacteria.
    The technical medical names for a wide number of circulatory ill health problems which can occur as side effects to root canal therapy are endocarditis,myocarditis,pericarditis,heart block,aortitis,angina pectoris,phlebitis,arteriosclerosis, hyper and hypotension,anemia,leukopenia,leukocystosis.
  • Low and High Calcium Levels and List of Calcium function in our Body.
    When patients have a liberal loss of bone from dental infections, they will generally have a high ionic calcium level in the blood. People who have freedom from tooth decay generally have an ionic calcium level of the blood that is normal or above normal.
  • How Much is Enough Calcium in Our Body Function?
    He showed that in order for us to utilize 10 mg of calcium, there has to be 4 mg of phosphorus present in the blood. Any amount less or more than 4 mg would contribute to body degeneration
  • The Role of Ionic Calcium in Our Human Body Function
    Of all the numerous investigations made by Dr. Price, the one which produced the most confusion and required the most research time was his investigation into the role of calcium.
  • Bacteria in the Root-Filled Teeth and Degenerative Diseases
    In the beginning, Dr. Price introduced bacteria living in root-filled teeth by implanting a tooth under a rabbit's skin. As time went on, he introduced organisms by imbedding just small pieces of a tooth's root, or by powdering the roots and injecting the powder.
  • The Spirochetes can be more Significant to Patients than Streptococcus Bacteria in Dental Infection
    Compared to streptococcal infections, spirochetes are represented in only a small percent of the total number of dental infections. Even less involved, but nevertheless significant to patients when they occur, are infections from parasites.
  • The Spirochete and Other Organisms in the Mouth
    Compared to streptococcal infections, spirochetes are represented in only a small percent of the total number of dental infections. Even less involved, but nevertheless significant to patients when they occur, are infections from parasites.
  • The Largest Variety of Organisms Inhabiting in The Mouths of People was the Streptococcus Family
    One of these species of microscopic travelers in our bloodstream would find some organ or tissue of the body an ideal place to set up housekeeping. The sexual proclivity, by which they divide and multiply, allows them to dominate the world in which they reside and makes for some severe illness situations.
  • Cysts Are Quite A Different From Dental Infection, It Occur At The Root Ends of Teeth
    In the condensing osteitis cases of patients with poor defense, the tissue at the end of the tooth's root was incapable of controlling the organisms and,in fact, seemed to aid in the transport of organsims into the blood and then to various organs, gland and other tissues.
  • The Proof of Root-Canal-Fillings Can Cause Serious Side Effects
    All dentists know that sometimes arthritis and other illnesses clear up if bad teeth are extracted. However, in this case, all of her teeth appeared in satisfactory condition and the one containing this root canal filling showed no evidence or symptoms of infection. Besides, it looked normal on x-ray pictures.

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